Manticore - Galaxy on Fire

Manticore - Galaxy on Fire

As I browsed the Nintendo Eshop store for a recent release, I came across Manticore: Galaxy on Fire, a mobile port of a sci-fi space shooter that leaves its microtransactions, wait times, and various free-to-play elements behind. While Manticore is still priced at what I feel is a bit too high, it can still offer an engaging experience.

Kirby Star Allies

Kirby Star Allies

When Kirby Star Allies was announced for the Nintendo Switch, I expected a bit more than what we've seen on the 3DS handheld throughout the past few years. While my experience with the Kirby games is well under a decade, Star Allies in many ways feels like a full game built around the mini-game modes that have been tacked on to each subsequent handheld release.



Celeste is a game that has recently been the talk of the industry as well as a game so good that my co-workers can't stop talking about it. It's been thrown around as being one of the best games ever made to being that specific person's all-time favorite game.

Bayonetta 2

Bayonetta 2

The original Bayonetta was a fast-paced action game built around outrageous angelic character designs, fluid combat, and its sexuality driven protagonist, the titular character herself, Bayonetta. While it followed in the footsteps of what made the Devil May Cry series so popular, the game found its own voice and rhythm.



Bayonetta and all her over-sexualized poses and winks to the camera have finally found their way to the Nintendo Switch. While the game originally released on the Xbox 360 and PS3 way back in 2009, and then again on the WiiU some five years later.



Being a console gamer, I missed the original release of Owlboy on PC, a game nearly a decade in development and receiving a ton of positive praise and industry recognition. The game has finally made its way to a home console with the Nintendo Switch and frankly, I don't see what all the fuss was about.

Lego Marvel Superheroes 2

Lego Marvel Superheroes 2

If there is one gaming franchise that keeps showing up to the party with the same ol' tricks, it is most definitely that of the licensed LEGO games. We've seen the brand tackle the Pirates of Caribbean, Batman, Jurassic Park, The Lord of the Rings, and many more lucrative properties through its LEGO Dimensions toys-to-life title.



Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for the Nintendo Switch is an extremely fun and enjoyable multiplayer experience. It's a game that you can jump into and almost immediately understand how to play. The pickup and portable nature of the Switch make it an obvious choice when you want to entertain a small group of friends or family.



While fans wait patiently for a Smash Bros title to hit the almost year old Nintendo Switch, Angry Mob Games have in the meanwhile created Brawlout, a title that may look the part and possibly get you a bit of a Smash Bros fix, but it sadly falls short of replicating what truly made the Smash series shine.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

There were several moments during my 107 hours with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 where I had a love-hate relationship with the game. While the characters, its story, and the gorgeous locations drew me in, the objective marker system, its mixing of high and low-level enemies, and its awful Gacha system for unlocking Blades did everything it could to pull me out of it.

Cat Quest

Cat Quest

I wasn't exactly sure what to expect with a game titled Cat Quest. I had briefly heard about the game through a few gaming podcasts and needed something to fill my time on my Nintendo Switch before I dived headfirst into Xenoblade Chronicles 2. At just $15, I figured why not.

Fire Emblem Warriors

Fire Emblem Warriors

While I enjoy the characters and relationship systems of the Fire Emblem series, the turn-based strategy elements were always something I never really took a shine too. I did find some fun in the combat systems, but it was always the characters themselves that I kept coming back for.