Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate Announced for Nintendo Switch!

Like many Apple Arcade games of late, many have missed out on some truly fantastic gems. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate, is one of them. This roguelike game featuring the heroes in the half shell received strong praise during its release and will soon be free of Apple Arcade jail as the title will be hitting the Nintendo Switch in July.

TMNT: Splintered Fate was announced at the Indie World Showcase earlier this morning with a very colorful and well-put-together trailer showcasing its roguelike elements as you attempt to rescue Master Splinter from the clutches of Shredder. The trailer also shows the notable inspirations of Hades, one of the most beloved roguelike games of late.

To save Master Splinter, the TMNT will have to contend with the likes of Bebop and Rocksteady, the Foot Clan, Mousers, and finally, Shredder. Each brother has their own unique set of weapons, from Donatello having range due to his bo-staff, to Rapheal’s hotheadedness resulting in dealing out critical damage.

As you progress this roguelike journey, you’ll find upgrades for each of the turtles, ensuring no two runs are ever the same. While you’ll lose what you’ve gained, there will be permanent upgrades, allowing some of that progress to remain intact. As you return to the sewer lair, you’ll use Dragon Coins to purchase upgrades, many of which are unlocked as you play.

One aspect of Splintered Fate that is rather impressive is the ability of drop-in and drop-out multiplayer, especially with online play. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any local play, which is a bit odd for a TMNT game.

Players can look forward to this release when it hits the Nintendo Switch this July!